This week you have a choice of two tasks.
Create a short film.
1) Decide on a genre.
2) Plot your storyline and write a synopsis (look below at pre production).
3) Draw rough tumbnails (Draw each shot you need to film in a rectangle small box, you should have about 60 for a two min film).
Create a stop motion film with the visual aid of photographs and photshop.
1) Select one actor or object as your subject.
2) Decide on what your object or actor will be doing. Example; walking/bouncing a ball/running/jumping/laughing/dancing.........( You need to select one action, it doesn't have to be from this list) But you are using photographs to show movement therefore to make the film flow, you will need to take about ten photos for just one of these things listed.
3) Take your photos.
4) Play with the brightness/contrast and effects on photoshop if you would like to in preperation for imovie.